Historic Greeley’s activities range from local advocacy for preservation policy to grant procurement and rehabilitation projects. Recent and notable examples include:

Bessie Smith House

Historic Greeley worked with the Family of Christ Presbyterian Church in 2015 to save from demolition and move a 1907 Foursquare designed by Colorado’s first female architect, Bessie Smith. In 2019, Historic Greeley obtained a State Historic Fund grant of $196,599 and managed the rehabilitation of the house into a community center on the church’s campus


POW Pillars

In the mid-2000s Historic Greeley worked with city and state officials to preserve these stone gatepost bases, a vestige of a World War II-era prisoner of war camp. Several years later, a car accident damaged one of the iconic stone bases, but the stone pillar, one of the centerpieces of a roadside pull-out on Highway 34 now in far west Greeley, was repaired with a SHF grant obtained and directed by Historic Greeley.


Greeley’s HP Ordinance and Updates

City of Greeley planning staff proposed updates and additions to the local historic preservation ordinance in 2019 that required City Council review and vote. Those actions prompted comment from a group which sought to curtail the breadth of the ordinance. Several meetings and strong support by Historic Greeley persuaded the Council to adopt the staff’s recommendations and maintain an effective historic preservation ordinance.   


Greeley Masonic Temple

Fall of 2018 saw the conclusion of the adaptive reuse project that transformed the Greeley Masonic Temple into the sparkling Masons’ Event Center. Historic Greeley procured the 2016 State Historic Fund grant and administered the successful interior and exterior rehabilitation of this 1927 downtown Greeley landmark.


Other activities include:

  • Attendance at the City of Greeley’s HPC meetings and position statements to the Commission and City Council

  • Publication and distribution of a printed and electronic newsletter. To view past issues, click here.

  • Aiding individuals and groups in securing tax credits and grant money

  • Providing resource lists of preservation-oriented contractors and vendors

  • Facilitation of preservation projects in Greeley